Empower your organization to achieve measurable environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals with comprehensive advisory services from SUSTIN.

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, ESG performance is no longer an afterthought. It’s a critical factor for attracting conscious investors, building brand reputation, and ensuring long-term business success.

Our team of experienced consultants, located across the globe and collaborating virtually, provides a unique perspective and deep understanding of the latest ESG trends and best practices.

Our Expertise, Your Advantage:

  • Global Expertise Collective: Leverage the expertise of experienced ESG professionals working across the globe.
  • Data-Driven Approach: Ground our recommendations in accurate data analysis and industry best practices.
  • Tailored Solutions: Develop a customized ESG strategy that aligns with your unique goals and challenges.
  • Future-Proof Your Business: Ensure your organization is well-positioned for a sustainable future with strong ESG performance.

SUSTIN-ESG Guidance & Verification Standard:
A UN-Approved Mechanism

Facilitate and accelerate implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, reflect interlinkages among goals and contribute to policy coherence; defined is “evaluable”, based on an adequate SMART ( specific, measurable, achievable, resource based and time-based) set of objectives.

Certificate Samples: 

Developed in partnership with multiple universities in Europe and Asia, the SUSTIN-ESG Guidance & Verification Standard provides a robust framework for measuring and verifying your organization’s ESG performance against internationally recognized criteria. This UN-approved mechanism emphasizes technology readiness and deployment to ensure your sustainability initiatives are not just planned, but also actionable with technology advancement. SUSTIN-ESG offers a range of verification categories:

  • Sustainable Enterprise: Demonstrates your commitment to responsible business practices and environmental stewardship across your operations.
  • Sustainable Technology: Verifies the sustainability attributes of your products, services, or technological innovations.
  • Sustainable Community: Acknowledges your positive contributions to the social and environmental well-being of the communities you operate in.
  • Recognized ESG Expert: Certifies the expertise of your in-house ESG professionals, ensuring knowledge and competence in applying ESG best practices.

Distinguish yourself from the competition by verifying your ESG efforts against our UN-approved SUSTIN-ESG standard.

Consolidate Your ESG Performance

Our ESG Advisory services provides a unique perspective and deep understanding of the latest ESG trends and best practices:

ESG Management:

  • Develop a comprehensive ESG strategy: Align your ESG efforts with your organization’s overall business goals and long-term vision.
  • Conduct comprehensive ESG gap analyses: Identify areas for improvement and prioritize actions to strengthen your ESG performance.
  • Develop robust ESG policies and procedures: Ensure your organization operates with ethical and sustainable practices at its core.
  • Implement effective ESG management systems: Integrate ESG considerations into your daily operations and decision-making processes, with a focus on technology readiness and deployment.
  • Monitor and track progress: Measure the impact of your ESG initiatives and continuously improve your performance.
  • Social Responsibility & Workforce Engagement: Foster a diverse and inclusive workplace environment that promotes employee well-being.

ESG Reporting & Communication:

  • Craft compelling and transparent ESG reports: Communicate your ESG achievements and progress to investors, stakeholders, and the public using industry-leading frameworks (GRI, SASB, etc.).
  • Develop stakeholder engagement strategies: Foster meaningful dialogue with stakeholders to understand their expectations and concerns regarding ESG.
  • Align with relevant ESG disclosure regulations: Navigate the complexities of evolving ESG reporting requirements to ensure compliance.

Reference Standards and Frameworks, with Our Interpretation (Coming Soon)

  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
  • European Union (EU) Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
  • EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ESG Disclosure Rules (US)
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)
  • International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
    and more…

Elevate Your ESG Performance with Expert Guidance and UN Verification