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SUSTIN-ESG has evolved. We’re excited to to unveil Global Sustainability SyncFrame, our next-generation ESG framework designed to empower organizations worldwide to achieve greater sustainability impact. SyncFrame builds on the foundation of SUSTIN-ESG, incorporating cutting-edge technology and a holistic approach to ESG management that is both comprehensive and effective.


Why SyncFrame?

The evolving ESG landscape demands a framework that is not only robust but also adaptable, scalable, and aligned with global standards. SyncFrame delivers on these requirements through a suite of powerful features:

  • Universal Interoperability: Organizations adopting SyncFrame can seamlessly align their sustainability efforts with a wide range of internationally recognized ESG standards and frameworks.
  • Expert-Led, Actionable Guidance: Our seasoned ESG experts provide personalized mentorship and actionable insights, guiding you through every step of your sustainability journey.
  • Data-Driven Insights & Assessment: SyncFrame leverages AI, machine learning, and our proprietary CSO Pilot tool to automate data collection, analysis, and reporting, giving you real-time ESG intelligence for informed decision-making.
  • Multi-faceted Materiality Matrix: Prioritize the ESG issues that matter most to your organization with our customizable matrix, ensuring your sustainability strategy is targeted and impactful.
  • Integrated Sustainable Management: SyncFrame’s holistic approach combines lean management, life cycle assessment, and circular economy principles to optimize resources and minimize waste.
  • Technology as an Accelerator: Harness the power of technology to track your progress, implement solutions, and achieve Industry 5.0 transformation.
  • Symbiotic Resilience through Partnerships: Build strong partnerships with stakeholders across your value chain, fostering collaboration and collective action for a more sustainable future.
  • Continuous Improvement & Assurance with Transparent Tracking: SyncFrame’s robust tracking and reporting mechanisms ensure transparency and accountability, enabling continuous improvement over time.


SyncFrame Verification Categories & Thematic Areas

SyncFrame offers four comprehensive verification categories, each with a detailed set of thematic areas and sustainability indicators to assess your organization’s performance across the entire ESG spectrum:

  1. SyncImpact: Comprehensive ESG Performance & Impact Assessment for Institutional Portfolios
  2. SyncInnovate: Sustainable Technology & Innovation Verification
  3. SyncThrive: Thriving Ecosystem & Sustainable Community Initiative
  4. SyncZero: Net-Zero Transition & Decarbonization Verification


In-Depth Analysis with 16 Thematic Areas & 48 Sustainability Indicators

SyncFrame provides a granular analysis of your ESG performance across 16 thematic areas and 48 sustainability indicators, offering a comprehensive view of your strengths and areas for improvement.


5 Macro Perspectives for Strategic Decision-Making

Each ESG analytic portfolio is plotted on a matrix with five macro perspectives:

  1. Business Relevance
  2. Impact Significance
  3. Stakeholder Prioritization
  4. Financial Impact
  5. Operational Relevance

This holistic approach enables you to make strategic decisions that align with your business goals, stakeholder expectations, and the broader sustainability landscape.

Please note that our SUSTIN-ESG webpage on the UN website will also be updated to reflect these changes.

SyncFrame | Department of Economic and Social Affairs (



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